Dear Brother

Dear Brother,

I want to start off this letter by telling you how
much I love you. We, like every good friend-
ship, had our ups and downs, but one thing
always remained true, your loyalty. You were
the most loyal friend I ever had.
I remember day-care! You sneaking me into
the house only to get kicked out by your mom.
Turning that tree on the side of your house
into a space ship with your sister! Racing
cars down the side of your house and never
winning. I remembering killing entire trees
with all the TP'ing we did and never cleaning
up, even if we got caught. Thats for sissies!
I remember you reaching over and telling
your mom to let you steer the wheel. I
remember us thinking we could play
racquetball. Riding our bikes down that huge
hill at Alta Vista. Ding dong ditching that old
grandma with your sister and cousin. All
the late nights staying up playing Halo or
Unreal Tournament.
I remember all the times we spent with
Tubby. All the mornings we surfed, the 3
of us. I remember Tubby leaving us at Joes
and us having to walk to little Kings Harbor
and ask Danny for a ride home. I remember
being surf pirates. I remember you teaching
me to drive stick.
I remember that every girl I had a crush on,
as soon as she met you, she fell in love with
you and yet you were so loyal, you always
would put your feelings for girls aside until
I had lost mine.
I miss you brother. You were one of the best
friends a man could ask for. But what I am
most sad about is the people who didn't
get to know you, never will. I have tons and
tons of stories about our many adventures
(more dumb ones then smart) and I will
never forget them!
I know you struggled! And you know I did
too. We didn't hang out much over the last
2 years but we stayed in contact, as great
friends, great brothers do. I loved knowing
that no matter what crap I dealt with, you
never judged me. And even though we
hadn't seen each other in months, that if
I needed help ever, you had my back.
You challenged me to protect my mother
and sisters so much Punk! Watching how
you treated your mom and sister made me
rethink how I reared my own. Thank you
so much for that. Thank you for the laughs,
the tears, the times we ran from the cops,
the houses we TP'd, the girls we prank
called, the LBJ's we ate, the sleepovers
we had, the mistakes we made, and the
mountains we conquered. I love you
Punk and I will never forget you. I cant
help but wonder why you were taken
from us so early in life. But you never
backed down from anything, once a
fighter, always a fighter. And you, Punk,
went out fighting. I am so proud of you.
Proud to be called your friend and
brother. I cant wait to be with you
again, worshipping our perfect Father!
I miss you!


Tiny Dancer

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