White as Snow

In Zechariah 3, the Lord reveals a beautiful

picture of His heart for us. Joshua the High
Priest is shown standing before the Lord,
dressed in filthy clothes and being accused
by Satan himself. The Lord says to Satan,
"The Lord rebuke you, Satan!...Is not
this man a burning stick snatched from
the fire?" (3:2). He doesn't care about the
filthy clothes he doesn't care about the fact
that like a stick in a fire, this man is charred
and blackened by sin. He has chosen this man
- and by inference, the Jews - as His people,
and despite their sin and disobedience has
chosen to snatch them out of the fire and
captivity and restore the remnant to Zion.

Isaiah 41:9-10, "I took you from the ends
of the earth, from its furthers corners
I called you." God is reminding us in these
verses that it is NOT by accident He chose us
to be His people. God knew what He was
getting into and He know that His son would
have to die for an undeserving people, to
wash away the stain of their sins, making
them White as Snow.

Tiny Dancer

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