the haps

hey everyone! hope all is going well!
so its about the middle of week 5 and
things have been going awesome!
We got to take an awesome trip down
the coast like you saw from previous
pictures which was fun, and from then
there we havent been on any big or crazy
trips. Last Thursday, as some of you may have
heard, I was on the TV show Wipeout
which was a blast! If you havent watched
it, check it out:
So yeah, thats that! Then yesterday I was
able to help out a family at the church,
the Swansons, with a birthday party for
their lil boy Ozzie who was adopted 1
year ago yesterday. Below are some pictures
I took at the party. As for work, I am having
a blast at the skatepark, getting to know the
groms better and just being a mentor/big
brother to them has been such a blessing.
Here at the church the pastor and intern
director gave me the job of creating
something called the 'Antioch ThinkTank'
which is a format for meetings that church
will hold with members of the church to help
deal with issues different ministries in the
church have. For example, the high school pastor
may say that he needs more small group
leaders so my job will be to come up with
the starting point of the thinktank and where
Jon (high school pastor) wants us to finish
and then I will be in charge of choosing who
should be invited to this thinktank and will
also choose which questions to ask. I will also
be helping design a notebook that can
be used for the thinktank. It has been very
cool to get to head up something like this
and I am excited to see what the Lord has
in store for it. Prayers are always welcomed
and requested. Hope all is well! Love you all



Tiny Dancer

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