Internship #5

Dear Friends and Family
I am now halfway through week 4.
Only 2 and 1/2 more weeks to
go. It is very very exciting stuff.

Camp has been going great.
Our classroom has actually lost
5 girls who were all in the same
girl scout troop together, as for
why, we are still not quite sure.
But after losing them we gained
3 new students.

Class time is a little boring at
times, but what class is fun all
the time? Come on!! But we have
a few fun little things. At the
beginning of every class session
I read to them a chapter from
The Magicians Nephew which
they are enjoying. We also have
a 'thinking chair' which is the
equivalent of timeout and so the
kids all get a verbal warning,
then the thinking chair for a set
time, then they go to the director.
If they are being bad or punished.
And for fun, since every girl in
my class LOOOVES Justin Bieber,
my rule is that if anyone
says that name they are in the
thinking chair! So thats a little fun
thing our class shares together.

Outside of camp has been really
great too. I have camp everyday
from 7:30am-5:30pm so it gets
tiring but nights and weekends
I usually have noooothing to do
which at times, most times, is
lame but God has been
challenging me to dig into His
word and build relationships
with the other interns here. To
learn about them and their
beliefs and such. Iron sharpens

My time with Dr. Perkins himself
has also been amazing. He has
such a way of taking huge issues
such as poverty and breaking it
down to something so simple as
issues in the family. He says that
if we mend the family, we end
poverty. And the more he explains
it, the more I see, he is 100%
correct. We have had many good
talks, some about pride, some
about how to better the camp and
relationships with the kids, and
a lot about social justice. I am
learning so much while being

One thing, since I have written
last, that I have become so
grateful for, is the mind of a child.
For example a girl named Zoe
was sitting next to me on the
way to lunch and she grabbed
my hand, started bending my
fingers and touching all parts
of it and asked, "Mr. Chris, how
did God make a hand? Did He
draw it? Or did He just know?"
and I almost cried and realized,
wow, God, I question so much
of what You do in my life, and
ask the question 'Why?' too
much. But this little girl
answered it all, God just knows,
and He just does! Nothing else
needs to be worried about.
Another kid named Kristian
today in class, started rubbing
the hair on my legs, kind of
random but I was fine with it,
then he said, "Wow, God made
you so different, yet special"
and again, I realized how right
he was. And it was an amazing
message to relay to the kids,
that even though my skin is a
different color, that God loves
us all the same and He used
that difference to help break
down the social barriers we
are struggling with all over
the world.

Well that is all I have for today.
If you think about it, pray that
I be intentional with everyone
I meet these last 3 weeks. Whether
it be with the campers, the interns,
and anyone I meet or have met.

Special thanks to all those who
have supported me financially,
I wouldn't be here without you.
And special thanks to those who
have been praying for me and
keeping in contact. My amazing
family of missionaries, my darling
Liz, my best friend Nick, and Wal
Mart. I love you all and miss you
so much, except Wal Mart!

God bless
~Christian Cannon


Tiny Dancer

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