Internship #4

Greetings friends and family!
Week 3 has officially ended and I am just
under being halfway done. Wow time
has gone by quite fast and yet so much
has been done, which was my prayer.

The past week has been jam packed.
I was able to witness first hand the rain
that Jackson has to offer. One minute
it is bright and sunny and literally 5
minutes later the rain starts, and a minute
after that, you cannot stand outside
without getting drenched. This rain
decided to show up the day we were
going to go on a field trip to a unique
forest so we had to switch it up and go
to an art museum. The art museum was
good for the kids. They were able to
see this art, which the artist meant for
one thing, and the students saw it so
differently (not wrong). In their own eyes
and each interpretation was a testimony
of their own lives. Very powerful.

The fashion class that I am helping teach
is going well. In class week I gave my
testimony about how I have had to deal
with issues regarding my image. I
explained how me being so pale was
hard for me growing up, especially
living by the beach. I start conforming,
dressing like others to fit in where as
when at the beach, people questioned
whether I was from the beach or not
because of my skin tone. Then I was
reminded of some amazing verses.

Isaiah 41:9-10 "I took you from the ends
of the earth, from its farthest corners I
called you. I said, 'You are my servant';
I have chosen you and have not
rejected you"

1 Samuel 16:7 "Do not consider his
appearance or his height, for I have
rejected him. The LORD does not
look at the things man looks at. Man
looks at the outward appearance,
but the LORD looks at the heart"

I explained how my heart and Gods
opinion of me matters more then that
of man. It was Jesus that died for me
to remain exactly as made, not those
who made/make fun of me. I then got
up and said, "is there anyone whiter
here then me?" they said no. I asked,
"is there anyone who wears shorter
shorts, or weirder tank tops, or has a
funkier hair style then a mow hawk,
or dirtier scruff then me?". Laughing
they said no. I said, "the moment I
accepted who God made me and
that it was not by accident, was the
moment I loved who I was, what I
liked to wear, and did not care
what others that.

A girl from my 5th grade class came
to me after class crying because
kids at school make fun of her big
lips. I told her "Brianna, you have
beautiful lips." I told her about how
Angelina Jolie has some of the
biggest lips in Hollywood and she
is known for them at times. I told her
if God wanted her to look like
everyone else, with small lips, He
would have made her that way.
It was not by any mere accident.
He knew what He was doing and
He doesn't regret it. I recommended
learning to laugh with them when
she is made fun of. Say "Ya, they're
big, all the better for kissing" or
"Yes they are, thats how God made
me, if you disagree, take it up with
Him". She laughed and hugged me.
Now daily I kind of make fun of her
lips here and there and she plays
right back with a huuuuuge smile.

This camp has taught me so much
from the most unlikely places.
Through that last encounter I was
reminded of not only what I look like
but also my personality, likes and
dislikes, my location, my future,
none of it is by chance. God chose
this path for me long before I was
born and He will never leave my
side as I live to further His kingdom.
All He asked me to do in return was
trust Him and give Him my heart.

Thank you for all the prayers and
support from all my friends and
family. You are so amazing.
Special thanks to my long
distance lady friend. The texts,
prayers, support, encouragement,
and love you give daily…I can't
even express how much of a
blessing you are darling. Love you

God bless
~Christian Cannon

P.S. Mom, I know you are having
a tough time with one of your
babies across the country and
the other 3 across the world. We
love you and are praying for you.
Your support in all way do has
never and will never go unnoticed.
I love you momma!


Tiny Dancer

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