he DOES exist, you are not alone

I believe that the two biggest lies

that satan tells mankind is: one,
that satan doesn't exist, and two,
that when we deal with issues of
sin, we deal with them alone.

"Be self controlled and alert. Your
enemy, the devil, prowls around
like a roaring lion looking for
someone to devour. Resist him,
standing firm in the faith, because
you know that your brothers
throughout the world are undergoing
the same kind of sufferings."
~1st Peter 5:8-9

This verse has really hit home for
me the past couple days, reminding
me that despite the world saying,
'It is just bad luck this or that
happened, its his/her fault you broke
up, etc.' I know that the enemy IS
roaring around. The enemy exists
and his name is satan.

As the purpose of verse 8 is to
provide a warning and challenge,
verse 9 is to provide encouragement.
To encourage us that satans second
biggest lie, is simply a lie. That when
we deal with sin, we are not dealing
with it alone, that those before us,
with us, and after us have dealt,
deal, and will deal with the same
kinds of sufferings as we do.

How amazing is that? Knowing that
the two biggest lies satan tells us
have only the hold on us that we
we allow them to.

It may just be me but I love hearing
when what satan tells me consistently
is a lie.


Tiny Dancer

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