the Wall

As I was doing my devotions, this verse in
Ezekiel painted a very vivid image in my
head. An image of a man willing to stand
up for the lost, the helpless, and the poor.

"And I sought for a man among them who
should build up the wall and stand in the
breach before me for the land, that I should
not destroy it, but I found none." Ezekiel 22:30

How I interpret this verse is that God is
challenging me, as a man, to stand up
for those lost, helpless, and poor. He is
reminding me of my role as a man of
God, to preach the message of eternal
salvation to those who haven't received it.

"If I say to the wicked, 'O wicked one,
you shall surely die.' and you do not
speak to warn the wicked to turn from
his way, that wicked person shall die in
his iniquity, but his blood I will require
at your hand." Ezekiel 33:9

It is my role to intervene, to speak a
warning into the lives of the wicked.

God is a just and selfish God, yet He
is full of grace. And this idea of building
a wall is, in my eyes, building up a firm
foundation in the lives of the lost. Christ
is our firm foundation. So that when the
angel of death appears, we will be able
to stand firm, holding true to our
foundation, Christ our Rock. And no,
our bodies will not endure, but our souls
will eternally remain with Christ in Heaven.

He doesn't just ask me, but requires me
to build this wall for the wicked so that
He shall not destroy the them. I am
disgusted by men in general but
especially myself for my lack of initiative.
I am ready to stand up, to fight, to build
this wall, and to share Christ's love.

"How much do you have to hate someone
to not tell them about God?" Penn Jillette


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