Dear Son

Dear Son,
This is the first form of communication I have
ever had with you. So I want you to know two
things right off the bat! I, your father, love you,
and He, your perfect Father, loved, loves, and
will love you 1 million times more then I ever can.
I have been praying for you. I know God has
amazing plans for you son. He has already
set in motion a plan for your life that will lead
to Him being glorified and you receiving
eternal life where you will be with your mother
and I forever!
I'm praying for your wife! I pray that you don't
settle for anything less then perfection! That
you find a woman who loves the Lord more
then she loves you. Son, if you're anything
like me, you'll have the curse of being good
with words. You'll know what to say to make
a woman fall for you, but learn from me son,
the words from your lips will remain in her
heart forever! You will never be able to
replace her father, but you must strive
to be her hero until the day you die!
I know, wherever she is, your mother is
praying for you.
As an end to this letter I want to leave you
with a few pieces of advice. Know that even
though your mother and I will always be there
for you, we will fail, but He won't! That your
life is no longer your own and that is in NO
WAY a burden son! The moment we live for
ourselves is the moment we push away the
greatest things grace has to offer! Live for Him,
die for Him, and He will show you a world
of unconditional love and joy! I am so
thankful that God has given me a son,
brother, and friend! I love you son!
your father,


Dear Beautiful

Dear Beautiful,

How are you my dear? How is life?
I know you are going through a lot
right now, I know you have a lot of
questions. But don't settle till you
find the answers.

Tomorrow is a scary concept, not
knowing what it will bring. But if you
trust in Him, He will never let you
down. Remember God doesn't
care about what you do, He cares
about who you are and where
your heart lies.

I know being away from your family
is difficult. They seem to be the
only people who will ever under-
stand you and sometimes that
will be true. But they are so proud
of you Beautiful! They miss you
like the sun misses the flower.
They are praying for you all the
time and will always be there for
you no matter what.

I know you're ready for your knight
in shining armor. I am sorry you
have not found him yet. But I am
happy. Because this is God saying
"Beautiful, trust in me and I, your
daddy, will bring you the man of
your dreams".

I know you're scared. But you have
a story Beautiful. I story of the
amazing love of Jesus Christ. A
story is not meant to stay in the
Bible but spread to all people.
Your story is His story. Don't
deny the world His and your story.
If not you then who? and if not now
then when?

Jesus loves you beautiful,
and so do I!

"Do you not know that in a race all
the runners run, but only one gets
the prize? Run (Beautiful) in such
a way as to get the prize!"
~1 Corinthians 9:24


you are loved

How do you describe Royal Family Kids Camp...
How do you describe a camp where you find out about Aunts/Uncles and Grandparents you never knew you had...
How do you describe a camp where you hear 7 year old children cussing in ways you never thought possible...
How do you describe a camp where children have night terrors in the middle of the night and cry out for their parents who abused them...
How do you describe a camp where your campers never knew what a horse/lamb/peacock looked like in person...
How do you describe a camp where at the cafeteria, your children fill their plates to the fullest and yet only take 2 bites...
How do you describe a camp where you throw a, what could be first, birthday party for every child at camp at once...
How do you describe a camp where during the talent show, a kid will go up just to tell a single joke yet the entire crowd ROARS with applause...
How do you describe a camp where children never let go of your hand...
How do you describe a camp where your camper asks you to adopt him/her...
How do you describe a camp where you have to say goodbye to your camper knowing they may go home to an abusive family...
How do you do describe a camp where your last words with your camper are curse words...
How do you describe Royal Family Kids Camp?
No words can, merely the look in a child's eyes when they realize that they are unique, loved, and apart of God's Royal Family!

Brothers, sisters, friends, family, children of the Most High! I cannot even imagine where you are now! How many families you have lived with since we've met last! But no matter how many times man fails, remember He won't!

I may never see some of you ever again! But remember this, that even though I may never hold your hand again, swim with you in the pool, play hide and go seek, throw the baseball, swing on the monkey bars, or chase you as you run away from me, I love you...With all my heart I love you and I always will! You will always hold a place in my heart!



Dear Daddy,

I am a man of pride, I turn my face to the future
and iv done pretty well on my own, and of course
You've been there too.

A heartfelt smile and a compliment and iv got
another stone to build myself worth on my own,
and i guess You love me too.

I'd give anything for this treasure shining right
here in my stare, then it falls and I am broken,
lost and full of fear. Your voice breaks through
my tear drawn haze and You change my point of
view. I am only worth anything because of You.

A smile and a glint in Your eye. You say to me
that I'm Your joy and Your pride. And in Your
strong arms, you carry me home.

I am a man of pride, il fix my eyes on my inside.
I'll walk right past you my friend, cuz I'm on my
way to no where.

Now break and plead, open my heart wide so
I can know how my life has hurt You. My secrets
locked and hidden within. The world says I
don't need You.

A poor shadow of this love of mine, and I am Yours
indeed. I was a poor and wasted jar of clay and yet
You've filled my needs. Love thinks of You with
weeping eyes and it dies to make me new. You call
me with Your voice, to change my point of view.

Lord, a smile and a glint in Your eye as you say to
me that I'm Your joy and Your pride. And in Your
strong arms, I know You'll carry me home.




Psalm 26:13 "O Lord our God, other Lords
besides you have ruled over us, but Your
name alone we bring into REMEMBRANCE"

Luke 22:19 "This is my body given for you,
do this in REMEMBRANCE of me"

Psalm 77:10-12 "Then I thought, 'To this I
will appeal, the years of the right hand of
the Most High, I will remember the deeds
of the LORD, yes I will REMEMBER your
miracles of long ago"

Dear Papa,
Lord, I am sorry that I have forgotten.
I am sorry that it takes a holiday like
Easter to remember what You did for
me on that cross. I am sorry it takes
communion for me to remember the
blood that was spilt. Lord forgive me
for not remembering.

Lord help me never to forget all
You've done for me! The slavery
You have brought me out of and
the joy You have restored in me.

I love You Daddy!
Your steadfast servant,
~Christian David Cannon

Tiny Dancer

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