Dear Beautiful

Dear Beautiful,

How are you my dear? How is life?
I know you are going through a lot
right now, I know you have a lot of
questions. But don't settle till you
find the answers.

Tomorrow is a scary concept, not
knowing what it will bring. But if you
trust in Him, He will never let you
down. Remember God doesn't
care about what you do, He cares
about who you are and where
your heart lies.

I know being away from your family
is difficult. They seem to be the
only people who will ever under-
stand you and sometimes that
will be true. But they are so proud
of you Beautiful! They miss you
like the sun misses the flower.
They are praying for you all the
time and will always be there for
you no matter what.

I know you're ready for your knight
in shining armor. I am sorry you
have not found him yet. But I am
happy. Because this is God saying
"Beautiful, trust in me and I, your
daddy, will bring you the man of
your dreams".

I know you're scared. But you have
a story Beautiful. I story of the
amazing love of Jesus Christ. A
story is not meant to stay in the
Bible but spread to all people.
Your story is His story. Don't
deny the world His and your story.
If not you then who? and if not now
then when?

Jesus loves you beautiful,
and so do I!

"Do you not know that in a race all
the runners run, but only one gets
the prize? Run (Beautiful) in such
a way as to get the prize!"
~1 Corinthians 9:24


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