
Psalm 26:13 "O Lord our God, other Lords
besides you have ruled over us, but Your
name alone we bring into REMEMBRANCE"

Luke 22:19 "This is my body given for you,
do this in REMEMBRANCE of me"

Psalm 77:10-12 "Then I thought, 'To this I
will appeal, the years of the right hand of
the Most High, I will remember the deeds
of the LORD, yes I will REMEMBER your
miracles of long ago"

Dear Papa,
Lord, I am sorry that I have forgotten.
I am sorry that it takes a holiday like
Easter to remember what You did for
me on that cross. I am sorry it takes
communion for me to remember the
blood that was spilt. Lord forgive me
for not remembering.

Lord help me never to forget all
You've done for me! The slavery
You have brought me out of and
the joy You have restored in me.

I love You Daddy!
Your steadfast servant,
~Christian David Cannon


Tiny Dancer

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