
Dear Daddy,

I am a man of pride, I turn my face to the future
and iv done pretty well on my own, and of course
You've been there too.

A heartfelt smile and a compliment and iv got
another stone to build myself worth on my own,
and i guess You love me too.

I'd give anything for this treasure shining right
here in my stare, then it falls and I am broken,
lost and full of fear. Your voice breaks through
my tear drawn haze and You change my point of
view. I am only worth anything because of You.

A smile and a glint in Your eye. You say to me
that I'm Your joy and Your pride. And in Your
strong arms, you carry me home.

I am a man of pride, il fix my eyes on my inside.
I'll walk right past you my friend, cuz I'm on my
way to no where.

Now break and plead, open my heart wide so
I can know how my life has hurt You. My secrets
locked and hidden within. The world says I
don't need You.

A poor shadow of this love of mine, and I am Yours
indeed. I was a poor and wasted jar of clay and yet
You've filled my needs. Love thinks of You with
weeping eyes and it dies to make me new. You call
me with Your voice, to change my point of view.

Lord, a smile and a glint in Your eye as you say to
me that I'm Your joy and Your pride. And in Your
strong arms, I know You'll carry me home.



Tiny Dancer

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