Dear Son

Dear Son,
This is the first form of communication I have
ever had with you. So I want you to know two
things right off the bat! I, your father, love you,
and He, your perfect Father, loved, loves, and
will love you 1 million times more then I ever can.
I have been praying for you. I know God has
amazing plans for you son. He has already
set in motion a plan for your life that will lead
to Him being glorified and you receiving
eternal life where you will be with your mother
and I forever!
I'm praying for your wife! I pray that you don't
settle for anything less then perfection! That
you find a woman who loves the Lord more
then she loves you. Son, if you're anything
like me, you'll have the curse of being good
with words. You'll know what to say to make
a woman fall for you, but learn from me son,
the words from your lips will remain in her
heart forever! You will never be able to
replace her father, but you must strive
to be her hero until the day you die!
I know, wherever she is, your mother is
praying for you.
As an end to this letter I want to leave you
with a few pieces of advice. Know that even
though your mother and I will always be there
for you, we will fail, but He won't! That your
life is no longer your own and that is in NO
WAY a burden son! The moment we live for
ourselves is the moment we push away the
greatest things grace has to offer! Live for Him,
die for Him, and He will show you a world
of unconditional love and joy! I am so
thankful that God has given me a son,
brother, and friend! I love you son!
your father,


Jade said...

Dang, dude. Loved this.

Tiny Dancer

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