you are loved

How do you describe Royal Family Kids Camp...
How do you describe a camp where you find out about Aunts/Uncles and Grandparents you never knew you had...
How do you describe a camp where you hear 7 year old children cussing in ways you never thought possible...
How do you describe a camp where children have night terrors in the middle of the night and cry out for their parents who abused them...
How do you describe a camp where your campers never knew what a horse/lamb/peacock looked like in person...
How do you describe a camp where at the cafeteria, your children fill their plates to the fullest and yet only take 2 bites...
How do you describe a camp where you throw a, what could be first, birthday party for every child at camp at once...
How do you describe a camp where during the talent show, a kid will go up just to tell a single joke yet the entire crowd ROARS with applause...
How do you describe a camp where children never let go of your hand...
How do you describe a camp where your camper asks you to adopt him/her...
How do you describe a camp where you have to say goodbye to your camper knowing they may go home to an abusive family...
How do you do describe a camp where your last words with your camper are curse words...
How do you describe Royal Family Kids Camp?
No words can, merely the look in a child's eyes when they realize that they are unique, loved, and apart of God's Royal Family!

Brothers, sisters, friends, family, children of the Most High! I cannot even imagine where you are now! How many families you have lived with since we've met last! But no matter how many times man fails, remember He won't!

I may never see some of you ever again! But remember this, that even though I may never hold your hand again, swim with you in the pool, play hide and go seek, throw the baseball, swing on the monkey bars, or chase you as you run away from me, I love you...With all my heart I love you and I always will! You will always hold a place in my heart!


Glenn Garvin said...

well written. How do you describe a camp where adults continue to pray and speak their camper's name before God? I wrote this Ode to the Abused last year. Maybe you'll enjoy it.

To all those who -

hear the stories

or witness the bruises

and notice

and stop the world

and time

and the spin

are sick of excuses

and finger pointing

and waiting for officials to act

or government to solve problems

or parents to grow up

To all those who -

can't wait for the cycle to wind down

or the qualified to intervene

or meth to vacate from our neighbors

or fathers to exhaust their rage

To all those who -

are willing to be educated

and feel inadequate

and get dirty

and wade into the filth of humanity

and expose your heart

And you -

don't mind having your world collide with suffering

or gut wrenched and tears gushed because of inequity

or believe that there has to be a better way

and will shift time and money to captain change

So I declare -

I will rise

I will see

I will fully feel

and act

I will be bold

and rude

and loud about love

I will not mistake money for power

or authority for responsibility

or even permission for a purpose

I will not hesitate

or think it’s someone else's problem

or job

I will own it

I may not stop it

but I will slow it down

and I will inject hope

and I will rescue one, maybe two

today, someone is me

today, no one is me

today, everyone is just me

child abuse sucks for everyone -

so I declare: I am the solution

Tiny Dancer

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