Internship #2

Had my first day yesterday and it went great.
We started off with chapel, we did some
accapella songs to get the kids excited
and make sure they were awake. Then
Dr. Perkins himself came and spoke on
building your house on the solid foundation
and not on the sand. For those who build
their houses on the sand are fools. I can
tell it had an affect on the children and
definitely had an affect on me as an intern
and as a fool.

We then went into academic time where
my fellow teacher of the 5th grade class,
Ms. Rakhua, and I got to be first introduced
to our class. We have 11 5th graders. And
to them I am Mr. Chris, it is weird but cool
to be called by my fathers name in such a
professional manner. We went briefly over
the subjects we were going to teach them
over the summer (math, reading, english
and vocabulary). Then the class was able
to learn more about us, their teachers, and
each other through some fun ice breakers.

Then the entire summer camp took a couple
of vans over to a nearby elementary school
and the kids all got cafeteria lunch. After we
all came back to the center and we went into
'Arts' time. There are 4 arts classes, and each
kid will spend the entire summer in 1 of them.
There is theater, dancing, miming, and fashion.
And of course, I was in fashion haha. But it
turns out that the 2 other teachers in it with me
couldn't be better. There is Mr. J who is an
actual fashion designer, Ms. Emma who has
tought many classes about eating diseases
to high school girls back home, and then me
who has had a lot of trouble growing up and
still to this day accepting being in my own skin
and being satisfied knowing I am in the image
of God. So the 3 of us together have been
working great so far. We ended the day with an
intense game of kickball with the children
which gave me a chance to get to know the
students outside my classroom on a more fun
level. After they had free time as parents were
picking them up.

It was a very hot day and seemed to take a
while for the day to end, but I really enjoyed it.
My only prayer is that the summer does not
'fly by' to the extent that I look back and wish
I did more. So if you could, please pray that I
make the most out of every single opportunity
the Lord provides. The harvest is plenty but
very few workers, so us as workers need to
make the most out of the time we have. Thanks
for the prayers and support!



Tiny Dancer

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