Internship #3

So week two has officially ended and boy has
it been a long two weeks. The first week
went well. I have continued and am continuing to
earn these children's trust who are always
trying to earn the respect, trust, and approval
of any and all adults. But it is going good, it is
really neat to see, despite how little this kids
know me, how they respect and accept all I have
to say, whether funny or giving them punishment
for something they've done wrong, its always,
'Yes Sir' or 'Yes Mr. Chris'.

Last weekend was the 50th Anniversary of the
ministry of John and Vera Mae Perkins so the
interns and I spent Thursday night working an
art show/auction to help raise money for the
center. Friday night was spent preparing
for the release of a document made about the
lives of the Perkins. Then Saturday night all
the interns became waiters for this massive
banquet held for John and Vera Mae. It was
quite a long weekend but really amazing to get
to see so much history in only three days.

My classroom has been a complete blessing,
of course there are always some stragglers or
kids who just like being difficult for the sake of
being difficult. In particular these twin boys
Pierre and Patrick, both loooooove pushing
my buttons, but God has thankfully given me
patience with them. I have four girls, Leah,
Makalyn, Jayla, and Marche who are in love
with Justin Bieber so I get to poke fun at him
quite often. There is a really shy girl named
Amber who only talks to me which is really
cool, we get to play basketball everyday.
Then another two girls, Brianne and Malaysia
who are kind of floaters, just follow the crowd.
Then the two twins, Pierre and Patrick,
another boy named Jordan who is a really
cool kid, a little bit on the slower side and
gets distracted easily, but super quite and
shy. And then last week we had a kid named
Dekell but he hasn't come back this week.
Sometimes kids just randomly take vacations
and don't tell the teachers.

The relationships with the interns have
been great. I am learning a lot from their
different lifestyles and cultures and they
from me too. I get made fun of for saying
things like 'Gnarly' or 'Bro' but its cool,
I knew it was coming. I am just excited
to grow in Christ alongside with these
newly found brothers and sisters of mine.

Thanks for all the prayers, keep em
coming though! God bless



Tiny Dancer

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