White as Snow

In Zechariah 3, the Lord reveals a beautiful

picture of His heart for us. Joshua the High
Priest is shown standing before the Lord,
dressed in filthy clothes and being accused
by Satan himself. The Lord says to Satan,
"The Lord rebuke you, Satan!...Is not
this man a burning stick snatched from
the fire?" (3:2). He doesn't care about the
filthy clothes he doesn't care about the fact
that like a stick in a fire, this man is charred
and blackened by sin. He has chosen this man
- and by inference, the Jews - as His people,
and despite their sin and disobedience has
chosen to snatch them out of the fire and
captivity and restore the remnant to Zion.

Isaiah 41:9-10, "I took you from the ends
of the earth, from its furthers corners
I called you." God is reminding us in these
verses that it is NOT by accident He chose us
to be His people. God knew what He was
getting into and He know that His son would
have to die for an undeserving people, to
wash away the stain of their sins, making
them White as Snow.


the Wall

As I was doing my devotions, this verse in
Ezekiel painted a very vivid image in my
head. An image of a man willing to stand
up for the lost, the helpless, and the poor.

"And I sought for a man among them who
should build up the wall and stand in the
breach before me for the land, that I should
not destroy it, but I found none." Ezekiel 22:30

How I interpret this verse is that God is
challenging me, as a man, to stand up
for those lost, helpless, and poor. He is
reminding me of my role as a man of
God, to preach the message of eternal
salvation to those who haven't received it.

"If I say to the wicked, 'O wicked one,
you shall surely die.' and you do not
speak to warn the wicked to turn from
his way, that wicked person shall die in
his iniquity, but his blood I will require
at your hand." Ezekiel 33:9

It is my role to intervene, to speak a
warning into the lives of the wicked.

God is a just and selfish God, yet He
is full of grace. And this idea of building
a wall is, in my eyes, building up a firm
foundation in the lives of the lost. Christ
is our firm foundation. So that when the
angel of death appears, we will be able
to stand firm, holding true to our
foundation, Christ our Rock. And no,
our bodies will not endure, but our souls
will eternally remain with Christ in Heaven.

He doesn't just ask me, but requires me
to build this wall for the wicked so that
He shall not destroy the them. I am
disgusted by men in general but
especially myself for my lack of initiative.
I am ready to stand up, to fight, to build
this wall, and to share Christ's love.

"How much do you have to hate someone
to not tell them about God?" Penn Jillette


he DOES exist, you are not alone

I believe that the two biggest lies

that satan tells mankind is: one,
that satan doesn't exist, and two,
that when we deal with issues of
sin, we deal with them alone.

"Be self controlled and alert. Your
enemy, the devil, prowls around
like a roaring lion looking for
someone to devour. Resist him,
standing firm in the faith, because
you know that your brothers
throughout the world are undergoing
the same kind of sufferings."
~1st Peter 5:8-9

This verse has really hit home for
me the past couple days, reminding
me that despite the world saying,
'It is just bad luck this or that
happened, its his/her fault you broke
up, etc.' I know that the enemy IS
roaring around. The enemy exists
and his name is satan.

As the purpose of verse 8 is to
provide a warning and challenge,
verse 9 is to provide encouragement.
To encourage us that satans second
biggest lie, is simply a lie. That when
we deal with sin, we are not dealing
with it alone, that those before us,
with us, and after us have dealt,
deal, and will deal with the same
kinds of sufferings as we do.

How amazing is that? Knowing that
the two biggest lies satan tells us
have only the hold on us that we
we allow them to.

It may just be me but I love hearing
when what satan tells me consistently
is a lie.


Final Internship Post

Greetings friends and family,

So the internship has officially
ended. Wow, now that I look back
I realize how amazingly fast it
went by and yet how much was
learned from the entire experience.

In the last 2 and 1/2 weeks a LOT
has gone on. My class has gained
and lost students yet again, there
has been quite a bit of drama
between the interns, a field trip
to the Vicksburg Civil War Museum,
and a lot of preparation for the
closing banquet.

The closing banquet went really
well. It started with an intro from one
of the students then a prayer by
another. Then the four arts classes
got to share what they had learned
throughout the summer. The theater
class went first and did some improv
drills and I was thrown in last minute,
man do I not like speaking in front of
people haha. Then the dance class
went and did a dance. Then my class
was up. My fellow teacher Miss Emma
gave a little introduction and then
the fashion show began. They all did
amazing. We spent tons and tons of
time practicing and they nailed it.
I am so proud of them. Then after
they each got a sentence to share
about what they had learned, I
almost started crying. And then I
was given a few minutes to kind of
preach about being made in Gods
image. It was an amazing experience.
After the arts each class had awards
to give to their students, that was fun.
Then that was it. We said our good
byes which of course was hard.

The next day all the interns took a
road trip to Baton Rouge, Louisiana
to go to a wanna be Six Flags/
Hurricane Harbor. It was a really fun
time to relax with the interns and not
use Mr.'s or Ms.'s. Then we spent the
night in Baton Rouge, and today we
were able to hit up a mall for a bit then
make the 3 hour drive home and now
we are back.

This experience has been so amazing.
The lessons that I have learned I will
keep so close to my heart. There are
no real words to express what I went
through here to be honest. Dr. Perkins,
while in Redondo Beach last weekend,
was asked by my friends how I was doing
and Dr. Perkins said "I'd love to tell you
he was doing great, but he isn't. Christian
is suffering more then he ever has before.
He is living in the ghetto, working for
people who have been raised in the
ghetto and he has never experienced
anything like this before. But since God
is His solid rock, he is succeeding". And after
hearing that I realized that most internships
are involving working in an office and
getting practical experience in the work
place. But this internship through me right
in the middle of the lions den and the
only way to survive was to rely completely
on God. I learned about how to deal with
my own as well as others pride. How to
be more flexible. How important it is to
trust God. I learned about how unique
God made me and that I should not
strive to be like someone else when He
made me this way for a reason. And
above all, He gave me an increased
heart for the lost. I get so caught up
all the time in my own little South Bay
world that I forget about the pain,
suffering, racism, and social injustice
that is destroying the lives of people
in Jackson and all over the world.
This summer has been the hardest
experience of my life. But without God,
my amazing family, my darling Elizabeth,
and my friends, I could not have made
it through.

Thank you for all the prayers and support.
You are such a blessing! I love you all!
And am in love with Elizabeth Hild :-)

God bless

~Christian Cannon


Internship Pictures 2#


Internship #5

Dear Friends and Family
I am now halfway through week 4.
Only 2 and 1/2 more weeks to
go. It is very very exciting stuff.

Camp has been going great.
Our classroom has actually lost
5 girls who were all in the same
girl scout troop together, as for
why, we are still not quite sure.
But after losing them we gained
3 new students.

Class time is a little boring at
times, but what class is fun all
the time? Come on!! But we have
a few fun little things. At the
beginning of every class session
I read to them a chapter from
The Magicians Nephew which
they are enjoying. We also have
a 'thinking chair' which is the
equivalent of timeout and so the
kids all get a verbal warning,
then the thinking chair for a set
time, then they go to the director.
If they are being bad or punished.
And for fun, since every girl in
my class LOOOVES Justin Bieber,
my rule is that if anyone
says that name they are in the
thinking chair! So thats a little fun
thing our class shares together.

Outside of camp has been really
great too. I have camp everyday
from 7:30am-5:30pm so it gets
tiring but nights and weekends
I usually have noooothing to do
which at times, most times, is
lame but God has been
challenging me to dig into His
word and build relationships
with the other interns here. To
learn about them and their
beliefs and such. Iron sharpens

My time with Dr. Perkins himself
has also been amazing. He has
such a way of taking huge issues
such as poverty and breaking it
down to something so simple as
issues in the family. He says that
if we mend the family, we end
poverty. And the more he explains
it, the more I see, he is 100%
correct. We have had many good
talks, some about pride, some
about how to better the camp and
relationships with the kids, and
a lot about social justice. I am
learning so much while being

One thing, since I have written
last, that I have become so
grateful for, is the mind of a child.
For example a girl named Zoe
was sitting next to me on the
way to lunch and she grabbed
my hand, started bending my
fingers and touching all parts
of it and asked, "Mr. Chris, how
did God make a hand? Did He
draw it? Or did He just know?"
and I almost cried and realized,
wow, God, I question so much
of what You do in my life, and
ask the question 'Why?' too
much. But this little girl
answered it all, God just knows,
and He just does! Nothing else
needs to be worried about.
Another kid named Kristian
today in class, started rubbing
the hair on my legs, kind of
random but I was fine with it,
then he said, "Wow, God made
you so different, yet special"
and again, I realized how right
he was. And it was an amazing
message to relay to the kids,
that even though my skin is a
different color, that God loves
us all the same and He used
that difference to help break
down the social barriers we
are struggling with all over
the world.

Well that is all I have for today.
If you think about it, pray that
I be intentional with everyone
I meet these last 3 weeks. Whether
it be with the campers, the interns,
and anyone I meet or have met.

Special thanks to all those who
have supported me financially,
I wouldn't be here without you.
And special thanks to those who
have been praying for me and
keeping in contact. My amazing
family of missionaries, my darling
Liz, my best friend Nick, and Wal
Mart. I love you all and miss you
so much, except Wal Mart!

God bless
~Christian Cannon


Internship #4

Greetings friends and family!
Week 3 has officially ended and I am just
under being halfway done. Wow time
has gone by quite fast and yet so much
has been done, which was my prayer.

The past week has been jam packed.
I was able to witness first hand the rain
that Jackson has to offer. One minute
it is bright and sunny and literally 5
minutes later the rain starts, and a minute
after that, you cannot stand outside
without getting drenched. This rain
decided to show up the day we were
going to go on a field trip to a unique
forest so we had to switch it up and go
to an art museum. The art museum was
good for the kids. They were able to
see this art, which the artist meant for
one thing, and the students saw it so
differently (not wrong). In their own eyes
and each interpretation was a testimony
of their own lives. Very powerful.

The fashion class that I am helping teach
is going well. In class week I gave my
testimony about how I have had to deal
with issues regarding my image. I
explained how me being so pale was
hard for me growing up, especially
living by the beach. I start conforming,
dressing like others to fit in where as
when at the beach, people questioned
whether I was from the beach or not
because of my skin tone. Then I was
reminded of some amazing verses.

Isaiah 41:9-10 "I took you from the ends
of the earth, from its farthest corners I
called you. I said, 'You are my servant';
I have chosen you and have not
rejected you"

1 Samuel 16:7 "Do not consider his
appearance or his height, for I have
rejected him. The LORD does not
look at the things man looks at. Man
looks at the outward appearance,
but the LORD looks at the heart"

I explained how my heart and Gods
opinion of me matters more then that
of man. It was Jesus that died for me
to remain exactly as made, not those
who made/make fun of me. I then got
up and said, "is there anyone whiter
here then me?" they said no. I asked,
"is there anyone who wears shorter
shorts, or weirder tank tops, or has a
funkier hair style then a mow hawk,
or dirtier scruff then me?". Laughing
they said no. I said, "the moment I
accepted who God made me and
that it was not by accident, was the
moment I loved who I was, what I
liked to wear, and did not care
what others that.

A girl from my 5th grade class came
to me after class crying because
kids at school make fun of her big
lips. I told her "Brianna, you have
beautiful lips." I told her about how
Angelina Jolie has some of the
biggest lips in Hollywood and she
is known for them at times. I told her
if God wanted her to look like
everyone else, with small lips, He
would have made her that way.
It was not by any mere accident.
He knew what He was doing and
He doesn't regret it. I recommended
learning to laugh with them when
she is made fun of. Say "Ya, they're
big, all the better for kissing" or
"Yes they are, thats how God made
me, if you disagree, take it up with
Him". She laughed and hugged me.
Now daily I kind of make fun of her
lips here and there and she plays
right back with a huuuuuge smile.

This camp has taught me so much
from the most unlikely places.
Through that last encounter I was
reminded of not only what I look like
but also my personality, likes and
dislikes, my location, my future,
none of it is by chance. God chose
this path for me long before I was
born and He will never leave my
side as I live to further His kingdom.
All He asked me to do in return was
trust Him and give Him my heart.

Thank you for all the prayers and
support from all my friends and
family. You are so amazing.
Special thanks to my long
distance lady friend. The texts,
prayers, support, encouragement,
and love you give daily…I can't
even express how much of a
blessing you are darling. Love you

God bless
~Christian Cannon

P.S. Mom, I know you are having
a tough time with one of your
babies across the country and
the other 3 across the world. We
love you and are praying for you.
Your support in all way do has
never and will never go unnoticed.
I love you momma!


Internship #3

So week two has officially ended and boy has
it been a long two weeks. The first week
went well. I have continued and am continuing to
earn these children's trust who are always
trying to earn the respect, trust, and approval
of any and all adults. But it is going good, it is
really neat to see, despite how little this kids
know me, how they respect and accept all I have
to say, whether funny or giving them punishment
for something they've done wrong, its always,
'Yes Sir' or 'Yes Mr. Chris'.

Last weekend was the 50th Anniversary of the
ministry of John and Vera Mae Perkins so the
interns and I spent Thursday night working an
art show/auction to help raise money for the
center. Friday night was spent preparing
for the release of a document made about the
lives of the Perkins. Then Saturday night all
the interns became waiters for this massive
banquet held for John and Vera Mae. It was
quite a long weekend but really amazing to get
to see so much history in only three days.

My classroom has been a complete blessing,
of course there are always some stragglers or
kids who just like being difficult for the sake of
being difficult. In particular these twin boys
Pierre and Patrick, both loooooove pushing
my buttons, but God has thankfully given me
patience with them. I have four girls, Leah,
Makalyn, Jayla, and Marche who are in love
with Justin Bieber so I get to poke fun at him
quite often. There is a really shy girl named
Amber who only talks to me which is really
cool, we get to play basketball everyday.
Then another two girls, Brianne and Malaysia
who are kind of floaters, just follow the crowd.
Then the two twins, Pierre and Patrick,
another boy named Jordan who is a really
cool kid, a little bit on the slower side and
gets distracted easily, but super quite and
shy. And then last week we had a kid named
Dekell but he hasn't come back this week.
Sometimes kids just randomly take vacations
and don't tell the teachers.

The relationships with the interns have
been great. I am learning a lot from their
different lifestyles and cultures and they
from me too. I get made fun of for saying
things like 'Gnarly' or 'Bro' but its cool,
I knew it was coming. I am just excited
to grow in Christ alongside with these
newly found brothers and sisters of mine.

Thanks for all the prayers, keep em
coming though! God bless



Internship Pictures 1#


Internship #2

Had my first day yesterday and it went great.
We started off with chapel, we did some
accapella songs to get the kids excited
and make sure they were awake. Then
Dr. Perkins himself came and spoke on
building your house on the solid foundation
and not on the sand. For those who build
their houses on the sand are fools. I can
tell it had an affect on the children and
definitely had an affect on me as an intern
and as a fool.

We then went into academic time where
my fellow teacher of the 5th grade class,
Ms. Rakhua, and I got to be first introduced
to our class. We have 11 5th graders. And
to them I am Mr. Chris, it is weird but cool
to be called by my fathers name in such a
professional manner. We went briefly over
the subjects we were going to teach them
over the summer (math, reading, english
and vocabulary). Then the class was able
to learn more about us, their teachers, and
each other through some fun ice breakers.

Then the entire summer camp took a couple
of vans over to a nearby elementary school
and the kids all got cafeteria lunch. After we
all came back to the center and we went into
'Arts' time. There are 4 arts classes, and each
kid will spend the entire summer in 1 of them.
There is theater, dancing, miming, and fashion.
And of course, I was in fashion haha. But it
turns out that the 2 other teachers in it with me
couldn't be better. There is Mr. J who is an
actual fashion designer, Ms. Emma who has
tought many classes about eating diseases
to high school girls back home, and then me
who has had a lot of trouble growing up and
still to this day accepting being in my own skin
and being satisfied knowing I am in the image
of God. So the 3 of us together have been
working great so far. We ended the day with an
intense game of kickball with the children
which gave me a chance to get to know the
students outside my classroom on a more fun
level. After they had free time as parents were
picking them up.

It was a very hot day and seemed to take a
while for the day to end, but I really enjoyed it.
My only prayer is that the summer does not
'fly by' to the extent that I look back and wish
I did more. So if you could, please pray that I
make the most out of every single opportunity
the Lord provides. The harvest is plenty but
very few workers, so us as workers need to
make the most out of the time we have. Thanks
for the prayers and support!



Internship #1

Woke up at 4:00am on the morning of the 29th,
finished packing up my bag and I was off to LAX.
The plane rides were fine, one to Chicago and
the next to Jackson. Planes are meant for tall guys.
I arrived at the airport to be picked up by 2 two
year interns named Rachel and Maria and a
summer intern named Katie.

Once we got to the center I was greeted by JP
(John Perkins) himself. He seems to get shorter
and shorter as the years pass. It could be me.
I then moved into my house, an older 6 room
house occupied by a few two year interns as
well as the other summer interns with me.

That night I was able to get to know the guys
in my house a lot better while watching the
Lakers do work on the Suns, and where was
the game? o ya, Phoenix.

The following day I went to church in Jackson,
Sonic for lunch, then was able to go to another
camp in West Jackson to attend a fun afternoon
community BBQ. I was able to meet a bunch of
new friends and realize how terrible I am at
basketball. Then a home study that night.

John Perkins grandson, Big John, lead the
study on Jesus' prayer from John 17. Then
he challenged us to write a prayer in response
to Jesus' prayer, so here is my response.

Dear King Jesus,
The sacrifice you made on this worlds behalf,
the sacrifice Your Father made when giving
You to us, and knowing of the joy You felt in
the process, is unfathomable. Lord, the unity
that You and your Father have is something
I now see as necessary for Your children here
on earth to obtain. Lord I pray that I, Your
servant, become one, unified with Your
children. Lord please continue to overflow
me with Your joy, Your perfect joy,
especially in times of trials, help us to take
joy in knowing from those trials we will
produce perseverance. Lord give me
confidence when I worry about the troubles
of this world because You King Jesus, have
overcome the world. Lord fill me with Your
spirit to overflowing so that the world may
see you through me. Help me always
remember what You did for me on that
cross. I love you papa


The past couple of days have been devoted
to orientation. Being that this internship is
going to be a summer camp that I will help
run, the other interns and I have been
getting to know each other as well as
ourselves better for the purpose of furthering
God's Kingdom through working this summer
camp for the next 8 weeks.

Well thats it for now! Thanks for all the
prayers, but keep them coming. Stand
firm for His Kingdom!


Dear Brother

Dear Brother,

I want to start off this letter by telling you how
much I love you. We, like every good friend-
ship, had our ups and downs, but one thing
always remained true, your loyalty. You were
the most loyal friend I ever had.
I remember day-care! You sneaking me into
the house only to get kicked out by your mom.
Turning that tree on the side of your house
into a space ship with your sister! Racing
cars down the side of your house and never
winning. I remembering killing entire trees
with all the TP'ing we did and never cleaning
up, even if we got caught. Thats for sissies!
I remember you reaching over and telling
your mom to let you steer the wheel. I
remember us thinking we could play
racquetball. Riding our bikes down that huge
hill at Alta Vista. Ding dong ditching that old
grandma with your sister and cousin. All
the late nights staying up playing Halo or
Unreal Tournament.
I remember all the times we spent with
Tubby. All the mornings we surfed, the 3
of us. I remember Tubby leaving us at Joes
and us having to walk to little Kings Harbor
and ask Danny for a ride home. I remember
being surf pirates. I remember you teaching
me to drive stick.
I remember that every girl I had a crush on,
as soon as she met you, she fell in love with
you and yet you were so loyal, you always
would put your feelings for girls aside until
I had lost mine.
I miss you brother. You were one of the best
friends a man could ask for. But what I am
most sad about is the people who didn't
get to know you, never will. I have tons and
tons of stories about our many adventures
(more dumb ones then smart) and I will
never forget them!
I know you struggled! And you know I did
too. We didn't hang out much over the last
2 years but we stayed in contact, as great
friends, great brothers do. I loved knowing
that no matter what crap I dealt with, you
never judged me. And even though we
hadn't seen each other in months, that if
I needed help ever, you had my back.
You challenged me to protect my mother
and sisters so much Punk! Watching how
you treated your mom and sister made me
rethink how I reared my own. Thank you
so much for that. Thank you for the laughs,
the tears, the times we ran from the cops,
the houses we TP'd, the girls we prank
called, the LBJ's we ate, the sleepovers
we had, the mistakes we made, and the
mountains we conquered. I love you
Punk and I will never forget you. I cant
help but wonder why you were taken
from us so early in life. But you never
backed down from anything, once a
fighter, always a fighter. And you, Punk,
went out fighting. I am so proud of you.
Proud to be called your friend and
brother. I cant wait to be with you
again, worshipping our perfect Father!
I miss you!



Dear Son

Dear Son,
This is the first form of communication I have
ever had with you. So I want you to know two
things right off the bat! I, your father, love you,
and He, your perfect Father, loved, loves, and
will love you 1 million times more then I ever can.
I have been praying for you. I know God has
amazing plans for you son. He has already
set in motion a plan for your life that will lead
to Him being glorified and you receiving
eternal life where you will be with your mother
and I forever!
I'm praying for your wife! I pray that you don't
settle for anything less then perfection! That
you find a woman who loves the Lord more
then she loves you. Son, if you're anything
like me, you'll have the curse of being good
with words. You'll know what to say to make
a woman fall for you, but learn from me son,
the words from your lips will remain in her
heart forever! You will never be able to
replace her father, but you must strive
to be her hero until the day you die!
I know, wherever she is, your mother is
praying for you.
As an end to this letter I want to leave you
with a few pieces of advice. Know that even
though your mother and I will always be there
for you, we will fail, but He won't! That your
life is no longer your own and that is in NO
WAY a burden son! The moment we live for
ourselves is the moment we push away the
greatest things grace has to offer! Live for Him,
die for Him, and He will show you a world
of unconditional love and joy! I am so
thankful that God has given me a son,
brother, and friend! I love you son!
your father,


Dear Beautiful

Dear Beautiful,

How are you my dear? How is life?
I know you are going through a lot
right now, I know you have a lot of
questions. But don't settle till you
find the answers.

Tomorrow is a scary concept, not
knowing what it will bring. But if you
trust in Him, He will never let you
down. Remember God doesn't
care about what you do, He cares
about who you are and where
your heart lies.

I know being away from your family
is difficult. They seem to be the
only people who will ever under-
stand you and sometimes that
will be true. But they are so proud
of you Beautiful! They miss you
like the sun misses the flower.
They are praying for you all the
time and will always be there for
you no matter what.

I know you're ready for your knight
in shining armor. I am sorry you
have not found him yet. But I am
happy. Because this is God saying
"Beautiful, trust in me and I, your
daddy, will bring you the man of
your dreams".

I know you're scared. But you have
a story Beautiful. I story of the
amazing love of Jesus Christ. A
story is not meant to stay in the
Bible but spread to all people.
Your story is His story. Don't
deny the world His and your story.
If not you then who? and if not now
then when?

Jesus loves you beautiful,
and so do I!

"Do you not know that in a race all
the runners run, but only one gets
the prize? Run (Beautiful) in such
a way as to get the prize!"
~1 Corinthians 9:24


you are loved

How do you describe Royal Family Kids Camp...
How do you describe a camp where you find out about Aunts/Uncles and Grandparents you never knew you had...
How do you describe a camp where you hear 7 year old children cussing in ways you never thought possible...
How do you describe a camp where children have night terrors in the middle of the night and cry out for their parents who abused them...
How do you describe a camp where your campers never knew what a horse/lamb/peacock looked like in person...
How do you describe a camp where at the cafeteria, your children fill their plates to the fullest and yet only take 2 bites...
How do you describe a camp where you throw a, what could be first, birthday party for every child at camp at once...
How do you describe a camp where during the talent show, a kid will go up just to tell a single joke yet the entire crowd ROARS with applause...
How do you describe a camp where children never let go of your hand...
How do you describe a camp where your camper asks you to adopt him/her...
How do you describe a camp where you have to say goodbye to your camper knowing they may go home to an abusive family...
How do you do describe a camp where your last words with your camper are curse words...
How do you describe Royal Family Kids Camp?
No words can, merely the look in a child's eyes when they realize that they are unique, loved, and apart of God's Royal Family!

Brothers, sisters, friends, family, children of the Most High! I cannot even imagine where you are now! How many families you have lived with since we've met last! But no matter how many times man fails, remember He won't!

I may never see some of you ever again! But remember this, that even though I may never hold your hand again, swim with you in the pool, play hide and go seek, throw the baseball, swing on the monkey bars, or chase you as you run away from me, I love you...With all my heart I love you and I always will! You will always hold a place in my heart!



Dear Daddy,

I am a man of pride, I turn my face to the future
and iv done pretty well on my own, and of course
You've been there too.

A heartfelt smile and a compliment and iv got
another stone to build myself worth on my own,
and i guess You love me too.

I'd give anything for this treasure shining right
here in my stare, then it falls and I am broken,
lost and full of fear. Your voice breaks through
my tear drawn haze and You change my point of
view. I am only worth anything because of You.

A smile and a glint in Your eye. You say to me
that I'm Your joy and Your pride. And in Your
strong arms, you carry me home.

I am a man of pride, il fix my eyes on my inside.
I'll walk right past you my friend, cuz I'm on my
way to no where.

Now break and plead, open my heart wide so
I can know how my life has hurt You. My secrets
locked and hidden within. The world says I
don't need You.

A poor shadow of this love of mine, and I am Yours
indeed. I was a poor and wasted jar of clay and yet
You've filled my needs. Love thinks of You with
weeping eyes and it dies to make me new. You call
me with Your voice, to change my point of view.

Lord, a smile and a glint in Your eye as you say to
me that I'm Your joy and Your pride. And in Your
strong arms, I know You'll carry me home.




Psalm 26:13 "O Lord our God, other Lords
besides you have ruled over us, but Your
name alone we bring into REMEMBRANCE"

Luke 22:19 "This is my body given for you,
do this in REMEMBRANCE of me"

Psalm 77:10-12 "Then I thought, 'To this I
will appeal, the years of the right hand of
the Most High, I will remember the deeds
of the LORD, yes I will REMEMBER your
miracles of long ago"

Dear Papa,
Lord, I am sorry that I have forgotten.
I am sorry that it takes a holiday like
Easter to remember what You did for
me on that cross. I am sorry it takes
communion for me to remember the
blood that was spilt. Lord forgive me
for not remembering.

Lord help me never to forget all
You've done for me! The slavery
You have brought me out of and
the joy You have restored in me.

I love You Daddy!
Your steadfast servant,
~Christian David Cannon


simple equations

It's quite simple:

Devotions about David = hardcore
David's faith in his heavenly Father = inspiring
Leading worship for the Walk Your Talk walk = beautiful
15 mph winds during worship = humbling
Breaking 2 guitar strings while on stage = ironic
Working on english homework = typical
Shaving by beard to a mustache = savage
Playing bocce ball on the front lawn = intense
Eating a chicken bacon ranch from Subway = delicious
Being goofballs on the center lawn = hilarious
Seeing CBU's performance of Oklahoma = delightful
March 27, 2010 = amazing

That was my day in simply equations.
One thing I have been reminded of today is how simple
my relationship with God can be.
All I need is to remember John 3:30,
"He must become greater and greater;
we must become less and less"


i am an Israelite

i am an Israelite
i have been brought out of Egypt
i was brought out of slavery
it was not my doing but His

i have been shown the Promise Land
i know it is within my reach
i am all that stands in my way
i cannot do it on my own

i am joshua
i ate the food of the Hivites
i did not consult of the Lord
i am proud

i am gideon
i need proof and answers
i need to be humbled
i am a man's man

'The Lord will fight for you,
you need only be still"
~Exodus 14:14


in His image

image, appearance, look

'God created man in His own image'
i wonder if people know
know that God did not mess up on us
He did not mistakingly make us
He had no second thoughts

we are a canvas
He is the painter
end of discussion

He does not look at us and see nothing
He sees a masterpiece, He sees beauty
we are His masterpiece, We are beautiful

and since we are made in His image
we have a higher standard to live up to
we are to be like the moon,
reflecting the light of the Son


...because He saved my soul

why was i born ~ because HE saved my soul
why do my parents love me so ~ because HE saved my soul
why do i struggle with sin ~ because HE saved my soul
why am i persecuted ~ because HE saved my soul
why cant i ever escape Him ~ because HE saved my soul
why do i live for Him ~ because my Lord & Savior saved my soul

Tiny Dancer

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